General Information


Visit our links for further information about your rights when purchasing at Katherynloche and find out more about us. 


Want to know how and why we established Katherynloche? Click here to find out more About Us.

Wondering about our website policy and terms of use? Check out our Website Policy Terms of Use for more information. 

Read our Terms and Condition for further information about General Sales. 

Protect your personal information and find out about how we store and use your information by visiting our Privacy Policy page

Unsatisfied with your purchase? We want to know how we can help! Please visit our Return and Exchange Policy page for further information on how resolve any issues.

What happens after checkout? We're here to answer all your questions about Delivery and Shipping information

Still have a question? Visit our FAQ for a list of our most-asked questions. Otherwise, don't hesitate to Contact Us!


Thank you for shopping at Katherynloche.